You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (2024)


  • For the Cookies:

  • 2/3 c.


  • 3/4 c.


  • 1/2 tsp.

    grated orange or lemon zest

  • 1/2 tsp.


  • 1

    whole egg

  • 4 tsp.


  • 2 c.


  • 1 1/2 tsp.

    baking powder

  • 1/4 tsp.


  • For theEgg Yolk Glaze:

  • 1

    whole egg yolk

  • 1 tsp.


  • 2

    drops (to 3) food coloring

  • For theWhite Decorative Icing:

  • 1

    bag 2 lb.powdered sugar

  • 1/4 c.


  • 2 tbsp.

    egg white (optional)


    1. Step1Cream shortening, sugar, orange peel, and vanilla thoroughly. Add in egg and beat until light and fluffy. Add in the milk and mix.
    2. Step2Sift dry ingredients together, then blend into cream mixture. Divide dough in half (thirds if you double your recipe), slightly flatten between two sheets of waxed paper, then refrigerate for one hour (or freeze for 20 minutes).
    3. Step3While dough is chilling, combine egg yolk, water and food coloring to make the egg yolk glaze.
    4. Step4Roll out dough on lightly floured surface and cut into shapes with a cookie cutters. Transfer shapes to lightly greased cookie sheet and paint cookies (with a soft brush) with egg yolk glaze.
    5. Step5After brushing with egg yolk glaze, bake at 375 degrees for approximately 6 minutes. Do not allow the cookies to brown.
    6. Step6While cookies are baking, mix powdered sugar, milk and egg whites (which are optional) to make the decorative icing. Remove cookies from oven to a wire rack to cool. Then, using a pastry bag or Ziploc bag, pipe with white icing to decorate.

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (1)

I don’t even know what that title means. These things just pour out of me sometimes. What I want to do now is share with you my all-time favorite, nostalgic, comfort-food, fun-to-make, low-fuss, low-brow, high calorie, non-snobby, yummy Christmas cookie of all time. They come from my mom, Gee, who used this simple but flavorful sugar cookie dough to make cookies for any occasion: Christmas, Valentines, Easter, and, my personal favorite as a child, Secretary’s Day. Some of my greatest memories were celebrating Secretary’s Day with the family, munching on our favorite cookies cut into shapes of Rolodexes and staplers. Not really.

I love these cookies. The dough is delicious, of course—what cookie dough isn’t?—but what really sets these cookies apart is the slightly unconventional method of decoration. Instead of slathering them with frosting or sprinkles after baking, the cookies are painted with a colorful egg-yolk wash before baking, which gives the finished cookie a lovely glazed appearance. Then, simple white icing is piped to fill in the blanks and to give the cookies a little extra flair. Ha! I just said “flair.”

Interestingly, the egg yolk glaze serves an added purpose: it provides a nice, mild contrast to an otherwise sweet cookie. Each bite brings you soft, sweet sugar cookie, non-sweet egg yolk glaze, and sweet powdered sugar icing. And it’ll make you smile.

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (3)

The Cast of Characters: Flour, Sugar, Salt, Baking Powder, Shortening (yes, shortening), Sugar, Eggs, Vanilla, Milk, Food Coloring, and Powdered Sugar. Ho ho ho!

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (5)

Before we measure 2/3 cup of shortening, do you guys have these “atypical” measures? I love them more than I love Coffee Haagen Dazs. Wait. No I don’t.

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (7)

Okay, NOW you can measure 2/3 cup of shortening.

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And 3/4 cup sugar. Oooh, look! Another atypical measure. Wheeeee!

I’m so easily entertained.

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Now zest a lemon. (And if you don’t have a microplane zester, you’re naked and alone in the dark.) You can also zest an orange if you don’t have a lemon available.

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And add in 1/2 teaspoon zest.

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Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and cream thoroughly.

It’s now I should tell you that I decided to double it at this point, because I’m a middle child and if one recipe is good, two is better. So I added another of everything.

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Then, since I’d doubled it, I added two eggs and 8 teaspoons milk.

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You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (21)

Now, into a sifter, throw 4 cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

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Sift dry ingredients together.

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Now add dry ingredients into the mixer and mix until thoroughly combined.

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Here’s the dough when it’s all mixed. Go ahead and take a bite. Say yum. Feel guilty. Now it needs to be refrigerated before rolling it out.

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I usually divide the dough into thirds: just take a third of the dough and place it on a piece of waxed paper.

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Then place a second piece on top and flatten the dough slightly. This will make it easier to roll out later.

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Wrap up the dough and place in the refrigerator for an hour before use; or, if you’re in a hurry, you can stick it in the freezer for twenty minutes.

I always use the freezer.

Now, while the dough is cooling and firming, let’s go ahead and make the egg yolk glaze:

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (35)

Just separate an egg, reserving the white.

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Place each egg yolk in a separate bowl. Just use as many yolks as you want colors with which to decorate your cookies. Huh?

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To each egg yolk, add 1 teaspoon water and stir.

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (41)

Now add a couple of drops of food coloring to each dish. I always use green, of course. Blip…

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Blip! (Sound effects provided by Pioneer Woman.)

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Then just stir together with a fork.

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Now repeat with red.

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Blip-Blip-Blip! Now throw all your colors together to make some pathetic attempt at black. How does one make a black egg yolk? I’ll never know.

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But this is close enough.

I also made yellow.

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Now sprinkle flour on a smooth surface.

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Remove one of your discs of dough from the fridge or freezer, and place on the floured surface.

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Now, with a rolling pen, begin rolling out the dough. I generally roll from the center, outward. But you just roll that dough however you want to, honey. I’m all about bending the rules.

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Roll it until it’s between 1/8 and 1/4-inch thick. Don’t roll it out too thin or the finished cookie will be too hard and crisp. I like to keep them on the thick side. And I’ve never gotten out a ruler and measured how thick I roll my dough out, and I can’t look at this thickness and estimate how thick. So stare at it for a moment, absorb it, breathe it in. Then roll yours out this thick, too.

I’m all about precision here at The Pioneer Woman Cooks!

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Now comes the fun part! Begin pressing cookie cutters into the dough, using up as much dough as you can.

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What is the trait that allows a person to formulate the best pattern in which to cut the shapes so as to use the dough as efficiently as possible? Spatial reasoning? Intelligence? Whatever it is, I ain’t got it. But I do my best.

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Place the shapes onto a lightly greased cookie sheet. Butter is fine, or a light mist of Crisco Spray with Flour works great.

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (69)

Now comes the REALLY fun part! With soft bristle brushes, begin painting on the colored glazes. Really, just make sure the bristles are very soft—watercolor brushes work really well—or the surface of the dough will get scratched and messed up.

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This is a cookie cutter I used when I was a little girl when my fingernails were bitten to a quick and my hair was stringy and unkempt. Or was that last year? Anyway, this cookie cutter has been a part of my life forever. (Thanks, Gee, for parting with it recently. You’re the best mom I ever had.) And say! That black is lookin’ pretty durn black if I do say so myself.

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Continue until all cookies are painted as desired, then bake at 375-degrees for about six minutes. IMPORTANT: Watch to make sure the cookies do not begin to brown, as they taste much better if they don’t. Six minutes is almost always just the right amount of time. Just make sure the cookies have sufficiently poufed, then take ’em out.

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Here’s what they look like when removed from the oven. Remove from pan and allow to cool on a wire rack. But wait…we’re not finished yet.

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And dadgum, in all the excitement I forgot to paint the tree trunks black. But I’m not afraid to admit it to you. Because if I can’t be honest with all of you, what is there to live for?

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (79)

Now, these Santas (facing sideways, for those of you who can’t get your bearings) are okay, but I think they need a little definition. So lets make some white icing to pipe on the cookies, okay?

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (81)

I dump a bag (2 pounds) powdered sugar into a bowl…

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Add about 1/2 cup milk…

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And a couple of tablespoons egg whites. If you’re squeamish about raw egg products, you can EASILY leave this out. I don’t even know if it helps. I just like to add it for kicks.

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Mix together, then place into a pastry bag with a very fine tip OR into a Ziploc bag with a tiny hole cut into one corner. Then just begin piping white icing wherever you’d like!

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Don’t take yourself too seriously; just have fun with it.

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More Honesty: I can already tell I got this icing way too thin. When it’s right, the icing is thick enough to retain its shape as it exits the tip of the pastry bag.

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (93)

For example, in years past the Santas’ beards and fur boot trim has actually been “curly”, drying soon enough after it’s piped on to retain its shape. But I don’t let consistency of icing ruin my fun time. Because who cares what they look like as long as that cookie’s goin’ in my mouth in about three minutes? All this to say, start with 1/4 cup milk instead of 1/2. Don’t be like me.

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (95)

For the snowmen, just squeeze some icing on and spread it to cover. I haven’t yet figured out how to color an egg yolk white.

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Okay, I cheated and painted on the tree trunks after the effect, just for show. I’m all about honesty here—honesty about cheating.

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If you have little adornments, feel free to add those.

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Aren’t they darling and kitschy?

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But more than that, they’re totally delish.

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If you’re looking for a fun, easy, charming new recipe for Christmas cookies, why not give these a try?

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They might just become a part of your Christmas tradition like they did mine so very many years ago. How many years ago, you ask?

Just never you mind.

You've Got to Try Ree's Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe of All Time (2024)


Who stole the recipe in Christmas cookie Catastrophe? ›

Ending Kiss: Annie discovers her Grandma Rose instigated the stolen secret recipe all along so that she would be led to Sam. She attends Bella's Nutcracker dance recital and helps Bella overcome her fears by dancing with her onstage.

What is Santa Claus's favorite cookie? ›

Chocolate Chip cookies

Santa himself lists these as his favorites, and he prefers them soft and gooey with lots of chocolate chips. If you decide to leave these out for him, make sure there's a glass of cold milk nearby!

What is the #1 best selling cookie in America? ›

Oreo is the best-selling cookie in the world. It is now sold in over 100 countries. Oreo was first produced in 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, now known as Na-Bis-Co.

What is the 1 cookie in the US? ›

Nearly 93% of all American households serve and enjoy cookies as treats or after meals. However, it's the chocolate chip cookie that's the most popular in the U.S. and around the world. How much do youknow about chocolate chip cookies?

What is the cookie catastrophe on Hallmark Christmas movies? ›

Annie faces her first obstacle as CEO of Cooper's Cookies when grandma's secret recipe is stolen. While investigating the theft, she works with local baker Sam to recreate the beloved recipe. Starring Rachel Boston and Victor Webster.

What cookie was Ransom eating? ›

In one of Evans' character's first big scenes, Ransom shows up to the family's will reading, and is seen eating Biscoff cookies—also known as the super buttery kind that you can get on an airplane.

When was a Christmas cookie catastrophe made? ›

A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe (TV Movie 2022) - IMDb.

What is the least popular Christmas candy? ›

These Are the Most Hated Christmas Candies in America, and the List Will Make You Furious
  1. Reindeer Corn. Walmart/Allrecipes.
  2. Christmas Nougat. Walmart/Allrecipes. ...
  3. Chocolate-Covered Cherry Cordials. Walmart/Allrecipes. ...
  4. Candy Canes (Non-Peppermint) ...
  5. Peeps. ...
  6. Ribbon Candy. ...
  7. Old-Fashioned Hard Candies. ...
  8. Lifesavers Storybooks. ...
Dec 11, 2023

Which Christmas cookies last the longest? ›

Shortbread and Spritz Cookies

Cookies like shortbread and spritz are great candidates if you want cookies that'll last a while. In the freezer: You can keep shortbread and spritz in the freezer for up to six months. Cookie dough: You can make these types of cookie dough in advance.

What is the world's Favourite cookie? ›

According to the Kraft Foods company, the Oreo is the "World's Best Selling Cookie".

What is the number 1 Christmas cookie? ›

Peanut Butter Blossoms are America's favorite Christmas cookie, based both on total number of pageviews from the U.S. population as a whole, and number of states that ranked it as their top cookie (which is six, by the way).

What is traditionally left out for Santa? ›

United States. American boys and girls leave milk and cookies for Santa Claus, like our Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies. Knit stockings are hung on the fireplace for Santa to stuff with small gifts—or coal for the naughty children—before he ascends back up the chimney.

What does Santa drink with cookies? ›

The jolly Santa Claus doesn't need a caffeine-boosting mug of coffee or a quick sip of water. He needs a drink that complements the kids' gift of cookies that will help him succeed in his yearly journey. How? Real milk provides Santa with the nutrients that he needs to get all the presents delivered in one night!

What are Ohio favorite Christmas cookies? ›

Ohio: Peanut butter blossoms. Oklahoma: Ricotta Christmas cookies.

What was the first cookie associated with Christmas? ›

Gingerbread has existed in some form since sugars and spices were brought back to Europe, from soldiers in the Crusades. However, it was not until Queen Victoria and Prince Albert included it with a variety of other German Christmas traditions that the gingerbread cookies became primarily associated with Christmas.


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Name: Arielle Torp

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.