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Brannfjords Fotballforbund

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About Brannfjord:

Brannfjord is a nation with a long and proud history, rooted in the ancient traditions and legends of the Vikings, the so-skilled ocean navigators that wanted to forge commercial spots across the entire Sporting Universe, including Rushmore. Its name means “the fjord of fire”, referring to the volcanic activity that shaped its landscape and gave it its distinctive features: mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, geysers, fjords and hot springs.

The origins of Brannfjord can be traced back to the 11th century, when a group of Viking explorers led by Egil Thorsen sailed westward from what is now the Polar Islandstates in search of new lands. They reached the western coast of the continent of Pavola, where they founded a settlement called Grimnes (whose name stands for “The Village on the Rocky Promontory/Fjord). However, they soon faced hostility from the native inhabitants. After several skirmishes and raids, they decided to abandon Brannfjord and return to the northern isles they called home.

On their way back, they encountered a storm that blew them off course and brought them to what they thought to be an unknown island in the north of Pavola. which they named it Brannfjord. After the fiery eruptions they witnessed from its volcanoes. They were amazed by the beauty and richness of the land, which offered them fertile soil, abundant wildlife and natural resources. They decided to stay and establish a permanent colony.

They also discovered that the island was inhabited by another group of Viking settlers, who had arrived there a few years earlier from the East. They called themselves Graentfjallers (green mountain dwellers), after the name they gave to their territory: Graentfjall (green mountain). They welcomed the newcomers and shared their knowledge and experience with them.

It turned to be a shocking moment for the Viking settlers of Brannfjord when they realised that they covered more land to the West, reaching the fjords, as they noticed that Grimnes was still standing. In that moment, they were aware that the storm sent them back to the place they disliked because of the native inhabitants, which left the place. After they realised, they considered to stay in the place, due to the natural beauties, resources of the place, and the connections with Graentfjallers living in the East.

The Brannfjorders and the Graentfjallers lived in harmony and prosperity for several centuries, developing a culture and a society that combined the best aspects of their Viking heritage and their new environment. They followed the old Norse religion, worshipping the gods of Asgard and Valhalla. With some twists, Brannfjord decided to create its own law system, based on the principles of honour, justice and democracy. They held regular assemblies called Storting, where they discussed and decided on matters of common interest. They also maintained their tradition of exploration and trade, sailing across the seas and establishing contacts with other nations.

However, their peaceful and isolated existence was disrupted by the arrival of new invaders from different places across Rushmore: In the 18th century, the invaders began to expand its empire and influence across the world, seeking new territories and resources. It set its eyes on Brannfjord, which it considered as part of its domain by virtue of force, as they had navies and armies ready to attack the coasts of Brannfjord and get into the nation.

The invaders sent several expeditions to Brannfjord, trying to establish their presence and authority there. They encountered fierce resistance from the natives, who refused to submit or surrender their lands and rights. The invaders resorted to violence and deception, attacking and plundering the settlements, kidnapping and enslaving the people, spreading diseases and destroying the environment. They also tried to impose their religion and culture on them, forcing them to convert to Christianity and adopt their laws and customs.

The Brannfjorders fought back with courage and determination, using their skills and knowledge to defend themselves. They also received support from other peoples in the region, as they were recognised as a continuity of them, and allies at some extent. They also formed alliances with other nations that opposed foreign domination.

The independence of Brannfjord marked a new era in their history, opening new opportunities and challenges for the small nations. They had to face the consequences of the war: rebuilding their infrastructure, recovering their economy, healing their wounds… They also had to adapt to the changes in the world: embracing modernity, participating in global affairs, dealing with new threats… They had to find their place and role in the international community: defining their identity, asserting their interests, promoting their values.

They also had to deal with new neighbours: The Kytler Peninsulae and Tikariot. Neighbours that have pretty different characteristics than those used to be considered as “normal” in Brannfjord, which was initially considered as a potential threat. Instead of being in a potentially dangerous situation, both nations respected, and continue to do so, the sovereignty of Brannfjord, not having big border issues or anything related for the last couple of decades.

Brannfjord faced these challenges with courage and wisdom, preserving their unity and solidarity, while also respecting their diversity and autonomy. They maintained their culture and traditions, while also embracing innovation and progress. They defended their interests and rights, while also cooperating and collaborating with other nations. They remained faithful to their values and ideals, while also being open and tolerant to other views and beliefs.

They continued to write their saga, as the seals of Brannfjord.

Quick Facts

Official Name: Republic of Brannfjord - Brannfjord Republikk
Motto: Lojalitet, Frihet, Mot (Loyalty, Freedom, Courage)
National Anthem: Mellom Bakkar og Berg
Capital City: Grimnes.
Highest Point: Tordentoppen (4,625 masl)
Currency: Rigsdaler (R$ 1 = N$ 1.45)
Official Language: Norwegian.

Without further ado, the starting XI and substitutes are presented in the following tables:

Starting XI
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Home: Mostly white, with some green stripes.
Away: Green, with some white stripes.
Third: Blue.


Nota bene: Only official matches are taken into consideration for current record, caps, and goals

Nickname: Selene (The Seals).
Current Record: 00-00-00 (W-D-L)
Most Caps: TBD
Most Goals: TBD
Biggest Win: TBD
Biggest Defeat: TBD

Captain: Ivar Øygard
Second Captain: Eivind Haugen.
Third Captain: Lars-Erik Berg
Most likely to score: Sigurd Haugen
Most likely to get red carded: Lars-Erik Berg.
Prone to get injuries: Erik Nordby
The genius: Øystein Sæther.
The motivating soul: Øystein Sæther.
Goal Song: Brannfjordling Målsangen

Manager: Kjartan Martinsen. (56)
Assistant 1: Håvard Henning. (45)
Physio: Pål Magnussen. (37)
GK Trainer: Georg Mjelde. (38)
Doctor: Sigbjørn Erdahl. (55)

Usual Starting XI Tactical Scheme

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Formation: 4-3-3
Style modifier: +2.5

Players' Descriptions and Tactics:

Ivar Øygard
Ivar Øygard is a calm and collected leader who commands his area with authority. He's a seasoned plyer already for Brannfjordling standards, as he has played Første Divisjon football since he was 15. Gifted with lightning-quick reflexes and outstanding shot-stopping ability, he is the best option available among the limited pool that the nation can provide for a national representation. One of his main treats is his ability to play as a sweeper-keeper, also a risk lover, as he often wants to try penalty kicks when required.

Håkon Hansen
Håkon Hansen, the Brannfjordling centre-back, is a towering and imposing defender who may be a nightmare for attackers. He's a strong and physical player who is excellent in the air and reads the game superbly, this partly because Hansen comes from a footballing family; with his father and grandfather both having played professionally. An important thing to consider is that Hansen may, sometimes, get out of control because of how furious he can be against rivals, or even teammates when a mistake happens.

Lars-Erik Berg
A dynamic and versatile defender who loves to get forward. He's a quick and agile player who is excellent at overlapping and creating chances for his teammates, not being fearful to take some initiative and command any chance to attack. Berg grew up in Senja, a town whose main industry is the wood processing, and has been playing football since he was a child; this has helped him to forge a strong personality, to the point that he might take the initiative in case Øygard is having a bad day.

Tobias Thorbjørnsen
Tobias Thorbjørnsen is a young right-back who is quickly making a name for himself in the Brannfjording team. He is known for his athleticism, his crossing ability, and his ability to get forward and create chances. Decided, he might go up and attack, despite the manager may tell him not to do so, but he will do because he has a good dribbling, and a capacity to return and defend fast. There’s a reason why he’s nicknamed De Tog (The train).

Kristoffer Eriksen
A surprisingly creative and imaginative player in the right wing of the team, he is somebody who is always looking to spark something special. He's a skillful player with an eye for transitioning the ball forward, who is excellent at dribbling and beating defenders; somebody who will not doubt to do the best to score a goal or, at least, serve a lovely pass to the strikers. A man from the far away islands, he will do his best to optimise space, something he has learned playing indoors in the harsh winters.

Eivind Haugen
Haugen is a person who can try to anticipate to the happenings and a tactician, who is always looking to make things happen. He's a tenacious and tireless player who is excellent at winning the ball back and setting up his teammates, truly living to the Brannfjordling way of being a team player rather than being a solo singer in the field. Haugen is the perfect companion for somebody as Sæther, as he will try to get in the middle of a marker and Sæther himself, protecting the brain of the team at all costs.

Øystein Sæther
Sæther is a technically gifted and intelligent player who is the heartbeat of the team, making him the best option for a central midfielder in the nation. He's a versatile player who can play in a variety of positions and is always looking to get on the ball and dictate the tempo of the game, not being shy to press for it and launch the team to attack as a horde. Sæther, personally, can be reserved, but he shows his extrovert characteristics in the field, being almost unrecognizable to what he uses to be.

Erik Nordby
Erik Nordby is a hard-working and dedicated player who is always looking to improve himself, a lover of constant improvement and quality books from industries and services. He's a strong and physical player who is excellent at winning the ball back and protecting his defence. Nordby grew up in a small village in eastern Brannfjord and has been playing football since he was a child, with a mindset inspired by his parents, who are process engineers for one of the biggest telcos in the nation, who suggested him to find a hobby, but instead, he found a profession out of it.

Martin Nordstrøm
Martin Nordstrøm is a towering and powerful striker who is a menace for defenders, to the point that he has invested many hours in bodybuilding to achieve a strong physicality for the game. He's a clinical finisher with a keen eye for goal who is also excellent in the air albeit slow, he will act more as a poacher rather than a striker who will create his own chances.

Sigurd Haugen
The epitome of a lightning-quick and agile striker who is a nightmare for defenders to mark, possessing a technicality rarely seen among Brannfjordling folk. He's a prolific goal scorer with an eye for the spectacular who is also excellent at linking up play with his teammates, confident enough to try unexpected methods to finish plays with a goal.

Emil Helsing
Helsing was born and raised in a city in the island of Nærøy. He started playing football at a young age, and he quickly showed his talent. Helsing joined the Nærøy HamKam youth academy at the age of 14. He progressed through the ranks, and he made his senior debut at the age of 16. Helsing has quickly become a star for HamKam. He is a regular scorer, and he has helped the team to achieve success. Helsing is a talented and exciting player. He has the potential to become one of the best strikers in the world.

The Brannfjordling Style of Play

The Brannfjordling team plays an attacking style of football that is designed to create chances and score goals through the exploit of creativity, team chemistry and clinical finishers up front. The team is built around a strong midfield that can control the game and creating opportunities for the forwards but is also capable to control the tempo and shut down the defence when needed.

The Goalkeeper

Ivar Øygard is a talented keeper who is known for his calmness and composure under pressure. He is also an excellent shot-stopper and can make world-class saves. Sometimes, he might want to take risks to the point that he will leave the penalty area and will play as a sweeper, often trying to dive and clear the ball in that way, aside from taking free kicks and penalties when he wants. The manager has given him, along with the rest of teammates, enough confidence and freedom to step up and do set pieces.

The Defence

Håkon Hansen and Lars-Erik Berg are a formidable central defensive partnership. Hansen is a strong and physical player who is excellent in the air, while Berg is a quick and agile player who is good at reading the game. Both can combine through each other’s advantages, but Hansen tends to be the dominant centre back due to his game reading talent, as we will see Berg following him or doing what he instructs Berg to do at any given chance.

The Midfield

Øystein Sæther is a technically gifted and intelligent player who is the heartbeat of the team. He can play in a variety of positions and is always looking to get on the ball and dictate the tempo of the game, often switching with Eivind Haugen. The latter is a natural strategist and tactician who is always looking to make things happen. He is excellent at winning the ball back and setting up Sæther, or they may exchange roles when Sæther decides, allowing the team to react to a different range of scenarios, using the individual skills of both to adapt the pace of the team to the demands of the match.

The Attack

Martin Nordstrøm and Sigurd Haugen are a dangerous duo up front. Nordstrøm is a towering and powerful striker who is a menace for defenders, while Haugen is a lightning-quick and agile striker who is a nightmare to mark. Nordstrøm can either receive crosses and aim to do headers, but also can be able to act as a pivot, taking the ball down and serving to whoever is able to create a chance and score, be it Haugen or Eriksen who may arrive in support at any given time.

The Brannfjordling Style in Action

Brannfjord typically starts the game by playing out from the back. Øygard will look to find Sæther or Haugen in midfield, who will then use their passing and dribbling skills to create chances for the forwards. They might also rotate to a situation where Haugen will take a dominant role, in that scenario, the team will enter in defensive mode, and Sæther will try to read the game and control the defenders on their movements.

If the team is unable to break down the opposition defense, they will look to create chances through set pieces. Øygard and Eriksen are both excellent at taking free kicks and corners, and they are capable of scoring goals from long range. Øygard will be always the first choice to kick penalties, that when Sigurd Haugen tries to get actively fouled in the area, achieving the penalty.
This team is also capable of playing on the counterattack. Nordstrøm and Eivind Haugen are both quick and agile, and they are capable of scoring goals from distance, while Eriksen will always try to push by himself and score or prepare a pass for the strikers.


Its attacking style of play and its talented midfield will always serve as a stronghold for the team, providing multiple options for them to capitalise and score. Sæther and Haugen are both capable of creating chances for their teammates, and Nordstrøm and Haugen are both capable of scoring goals, but Eriksen can try to do both things. There are multiple choices for this team to score, which really helps when player is having a bad day in the pitch.


Defence and its lack of experience can be quite of a toll for the Brannfjordlings. Hansen and Berg are a good central defensive partnership, but they are not as experienced as some of the other defenders in the multiverse; this first adventure will make them recognise the ground they’re stepping in, improve and being able to become a strong force for this team. It doesn’t helps being a young squad at all. They might be a fast and creative team, but the experience needed at some point of the Qualifiers will not be there for help, that’s why they must compensate by being resolute and courageous.

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