7 Unmissable Low FODMAP Vegan Recipes (2024)

In today's post, we'll share with you 7 delicious Vegan Low FODMAP Recipes.

Having IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) sucks, and so does feeling bloated every time you eat something. Luckily, you can reduce the discomfort by eating the right foods, like low FODMAP foods.

But do you know what else sucks? Getting stuck in a routine and always eating the same things.

Well, here's the deal:

Below, we'll share 7 vegan and low FODMAP recipes with you, which you likely never tried before. Lovely, right? You can make some exciting new meals, and who knows: maybe one of them will become your favourite!

If you want a fast and to-the-point recap on what FODMAP is, keep on reading. Otherwise, use the Table of Contents below to skip to what you are interested in.

What is Low FODMAP in a few words

FODMAP is an acronym used to classify four groups of carbohydrates that some people have trouble digesting.

If you often feel bloated after eating, experience pressure in the bowels due to excessive gas, or suffer from frequent stomach aches, you may benefit from avoiding these carbohydrates.

In addition, if you have been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), your doctor has likely recommended eating more low FODMAP foods as well.

FODMAP stands for:


Oligosaccharides (group 1, i.e. fructans and galactans)

Disaccharides (group 2, i.e. lactose)

Monosaccharides (group 3, i.e. glucose, fructose)


Polyols (group 4, i.e. xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol)

You don't have to memorise all these medical terms, but it could be useful to remember which are the main classes of foods that contain high FODMAP ingredients.

Let's discover them below.

What are the major FODMAP foods to avoid

Writing down a comprehensive list of foods you shouldn't eat is a bit pointless here, as you won't remember any of them come tomorrow.

Instead, it's better to understand which group of foods you should be on the lookout for and then check them out on Google or a FODMAP app as you encounter them. Then, with time and repetition, you will memorise them.

The gist is:

Avoid certain types of sugars (mono-, di-, oligo-saccharides) and sugar alcohols (polyols) that are prone to ferment when digested.

You may think that sugars only refers to the white powder you put in your coffee. But it's more complex than that.

Sugars are a type of carbohydrate, and come in various chemical compositions.

All sugars are carbohydrates, but not all carbs are sugars.

What matters here is that not all sugars and sugar alcohols are bad. And sugars are found in many places you wouldn't expect.

For example, erythritol (a sugar replacement which we use extensively in our sugar-free recipes) is a sugar alcohol, but it's well absorbed in the small intestine and thus safe for IBS [1].

In general, be wary or avoid foods that contain preservatives or additives. Why? First, because eating unprocessed foods is healthier. Second, because you won't have to figure out which additives are safe and which aren't: it saves you time.

Sugar-Free Orange Marmalade

Then look out for foods that contain carbs:

  • Avoid bread made with gluten-rich flour, like wheat or rye.

  • Avoid dairy, and be wary of fermenting foods or drinks.

  • Pay a lot of attention to fruits. You can have some like strawberries, grapes, and kiwis but not others like apples, avocados, and blackberries.

  • Pay a lot of attention to vegetables. Like fruit, some are ok (carrots, cucumbers, lettuce) while others aren't (beans, garlic, onions).

  • Pay attention to nuts and seeds. Most are ok, like walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. Others aren't, like pistachios.

If you are vegan and suffering from IBS, you basically need to be extra careful. Non-vegans or people on a predominantly non-plant based diet can safely enjoy many more foods like eggs or lean, unprocessed meats.

Lucky you, we've done all the hard work in selecting the 7 vegan low FODMAP recipes below so that you can enjoy them stress-free.

By the way, we at Foodaciously specialise in low-sugar recipes and have hundreds of allergen-free recipes (gluten-free, dairy-free, etc.).

We even built a recipe search engine that lets you filter out the hundreds of recipes that we have on the site according to ingredients, diets, nutritional macros and more. We've had tens of fellow IBS readers thanking us for it, and it's 100% free to use.

Check it out here and reach out if you need help with it.

Why should you eat more Low FODMAP foods

If you haven't been diagnosed with IBS, you shouldn't move to a 100% Low FODMAP diet as you'd be giving up precious prebiotics that promote a healthy gut.

But this doesn't mean you can't benefit from occasionally eating more low FODMAP foods.

If you often feel bloated and gassy, you can certainly benefit from consuming less fermenting foods. However, it'd be wise to check in with your doctor and ask for their consent or guidance. That's because this discomfort may also be caused by other things, like medicines that you may be taking.

The low FODMAP diet also encourages eating unprocessed foods, and that's an absolute victory for everyone's health.

Finally, low FODMAP makes you think hard about which sugars to eat and which to avoid. This analytical approach is invaluable, as sugars can be very harmful indeed.

Fresh Herbal Tea

Replacing refined sugars with those that don't spike blood sugar levels is a good thing for everyone. Especially folks that want to lose weight or suffer from diabetes.

Basically, don't be afraid to try a recipe that is marked as "Low FODMAP". It's not some weird stuff. It's just normal unprocessed food that happens to be very easy to digest.

How to start on a Low FODMAP Diet

If your doctor or dietitian told you to commit to a Low FODMAP diet, there are three phases you have to get through[2]:

  • Cleansing phase. Also known as the phase where you gradually start substituting foods that are high FODMAP with those that are low FODMAP.

  • Adjustment phase. You may react more negatively to one group of FODMAP than another. In this phase, you'll gradually try to re-introduce some high FODMAP groups and see if they cause discomfort. If they do, you eliminate them. If they don't, you may occasionally add them to your diet.

  • Maintenance phase. Now that you know which groups of FODMAP you can and can't have, you can finally get control of your diet and play around with your options.

This last phase is where we can help today. Go through the vegan recipes for IBS we have shared with you below, and see which ones can fit in your diet.

7 Low FODMAP Vegan Recipes

Green Detox Smoothie

If you want to stay light and fresh, it doesn't get much better than this green smoothie.

We made it using alkaline and low FODMAP ingredients. Here is a few of the ones we used:

  • Kiwi

  • Honeydew (or Cantaloupe) Melon

  • Cucumber

  • Spinach

  • more low FODMAP ingredients

Note: In the recipe, we'll give you the option to use either water or coconut water as a liquid base for this smoothie. If you have IBS, it's better if you use plain water.

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Hash Browns

Thank goodness potatoes are low FODMAP! Enjoy this light variation of the quintessential breakfast item: hash browns.

These hash browns are not deep or shallow fried. Instead, we made them using our trusty air fryer. So you can enjoy a nice serving without irritating your tummy, nor getting on extra weight.

If you don't have an air fryer, don't worry. We'll give you the option to use a regular oven.

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Peanut Punch

Need a boost of proteins, but you are afraid of upsetting your stomach? Try out this Jamaican peanut punch. It's vegan, high-protein, and made with the simplest ingredients.

We made some small alterations to the classic recipe to make it vegan and high-fibre. It all works out great for those on a FODMAP diet, as we got rid of dairy and added some oats.

We'll give you the chance to select your favourite type of dairy-free milk to use as a base. You can choose whichever is in line with your IBS diet (i.e. coconut, almond, rice, hemp milk, among others).

As a sweetener, we'll use a splash of maple syrup (optionally). But as maple syrup is low FODMAP, you're in the clear!

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Tempeh Kimbab

Are you Looking for a vegan spin on sushi makis? Then enjoy these Korean Tempeh Kimbab!

But wait a second. Isn't tempeh some kind of extra fermented soybeans? Aren't fermented foods bad for IBS?

Well, as everything related to IBS: it isn't as simple as that.

You want to avoid food that "ferments inside your body". As tempeh is already fermented before you eat it, it's easy to digest. Monash University — the authority in the field of IBS and FODMAP — marks tempeh as safe to have on a low FODMAP diet[3].

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Carrot Strawberry Smoothie

As both carrots and strawberries are two pillars of the low FODMAP diet, you can sip down this orange smoothie without a worry in the world.

You'll also be loading up on precious vitamin C and A. Isn't that great?

All the ingredients used are low FODMAP, and the recipe is super simple and quick.

Check it out!

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Gluten-Free Bagels

We bet one of the things you had to give up on your low FODMAP diet was The Bagel. Sad, right? Not on our watch!

With this recipe, we'll show you how to make gluten-free bagels that are IBS friendly.

As you'll see in the ingredients list, almost all our ingredients are totally in the green spectrum of low FODMAP safety.

The only ones to look out for are almond milk, sesame, and poppy seeds.

But due to the amounts we used to make a single bagel, you are totally safe.

Here is why:

  • Almonds are generally bad on a low FODMAP diet. But almond milk contains no more than 2% of almonds. Because we used 100 ml of almond milk to make eight bagels, you'll get a mere 0.25 grams of almonds per bagel. That's like a quarter of a nut! Besides, you can just swap almond milk with whatever other dairy-free milk you are confident with, and the recipe will work out just as well.

  • Sesame seeds are ok in moderation, and in any case, we only used 2.5 grams per bagel (1/4 tbsp).

  • Poppy seeds are also ok in moderation. Once again, we only used 2.5 grams per bagel, which is considerably less than the 24 grams per day suggested by Monash University.

Aren't you thrilled to try bagels again? Yey!

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Low FODMAP Oatmeal

Let's top off the list with classic FODMAP material: oatmeal.

To make it interesting, we have added in some low FODMAP ingredients like oats (duh!), strawberries, walnuts and chia seeds.

The recipe takes zero effort to put together, yet it's tasty and filling. A must try for overnight oats aficionados!

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So here you have it:

Seven delicious low FODMAP and IBS-friendly recipes ready in a flash.

We hope one of these will become your new favourite!

7 Unmissable Low FODMAP Vegan Recipes (2024)


What foods are surprisingly low FODMAP? ›

Dr. Rachel's Top 10 Favorite Low-FODMAP Food & Snacks
  • Chicken and Turkey. ...
  • Fresh Low-FODMAP Fruit. ...
  • Carrots. ...
  • Low-FODMAP Energy Bars. ...
  • Peanuts, and other Low-FODMAP Nuts. ...
  • Grains: Oats, Rice, Quinoa. ...
  • Low-FODMAP Yogurt with Fruit and/or Granola. ...
  • Canned and Fresh Fish.
Apr 10, 2020

How do I eat enough on a low FODMAP diet? ›

Instead, base your meals around low FODMAP foods such as:
  1. Eggs and meat.
  2. Certain cheeses such as brie, Camembert, cheddar and feta.
  3. Almond milk.
  4. Grains like rice, quinoa and oats.
  5. Vegetables like eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini.
  6. Fruits such as grapes, oranges, strawberries, blueberries and pineapple.

What vegetables should you avoid on a low FODMAP diet? ›

List of high FODMAP foods to avoid
  • Onions.
  • Garlic.
  • Cabbage.
  • Broccoli.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Snow peas.
  • Asparagus.
  • Artichokes.

What can you eat unlimited on FODMAP? ›

FODMAP “Free” Foods List
  • Alfalfa.
  • Arugula.
  • Bamboo shoots (fresh/canned)
  • Beansprouts.
  • Bell Peppers (red)
  • Capsicum (red)
  • Carrots.
  • Choy sum.
May 5, 2024

Why do I feel worse on low FODMAP diet? ›

You may also be eating more starches and sugars from hyper-processed gluten free, low FODMAP packaged foods than usual, which may overwhelm the absorption capacity of a sensitive, hyper-active gut. If you suspect this, try eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and see how you feel.

Is peanut butter high in FODMAP? ›

Is peanut butter low FODMAP? Peanuts are low in FODMAPs, and natural peanut butter is also. Some peanut butter brands add sweeteners with FODMAPs, but typically add small amounts that most people tolerate.

Why am I gaining weight on a low FODMAP diet? ›

A person with IBS may try to eliminate certain high FODMAP foods from their diet and choose safer foods instead. This approach can lead to weight gain if their chosen foods are high in carbohydrates and fats. A low FODMAP diet does exclude a range of nutritious foods.

Does low FODMAP heal your gut? ›

The low-FODMAP diet temporarily restricts these carbohydrates in order to relieve uncomfortable symptoms and give your digestive system a rest. Removing irritants gives your gut lining a chance to repair itself and can help restore a healthy balance of gut flora.

How long does it take to feel effects of low FODMAP diet? ›

After starting the FODMAP diet, some people will experience relief after 2-3 days and others may find it takes a couple of weeks before they see an improvement. The differences in these response times might depend on: How many high FODMAP foods the person was eating before starting the FODMAP diet.

What are the worst FODMAP foods? ›

High FODMAP Foods to Avoid and Low FODMAP Alternatives
  • Wheat. ...
  • Onions and Garlic. ...
  • Some Fruits. ...
  • Certain Vegetables. ...
  • Beans and Legumes. ...
  • Sweeteners. ...
  • Refined Grains. ...
  • Dairy Products.

Are tomatoes bad for FODMAP? ›

Let's take a look at the FODMAP friendly amounts in fresh tomatoes: Common tomato - these are often found all year round and are a staple ingredient in many households. Half a small tomato (65g) is considered low FODMAP, but once you hit over 75g, they do become moderate to high FODMAP.

Is applesauce high in FODMAP? ›

Foods high in FODMAPs

Here is a list of some common foods and ingredients that are high in FODMAPs ( 8 ): Fruits: apples, applesauce, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cherries, dates, figs, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, watermelon.

What diet is closest to low FODMAP? ›

The gluten free diet has some similarities to the FODMAP diet and it is often tried first before undetaking the low FODMAP diet.

What are the negatives of Fodmap diet? ›

There is also concern that long-term restriction of high-FODMAP foods changes the makeup of bacterial colonies in the gut, which may negatively impact intestinal health and possibly worsen digestive issues over time. Oligosaccharides, in particular, are an important energy source for beneficial bacteria.

Can you eat low FODMAP forever? ›

The short answer is no. In fact, we do not encourage patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome who have been following a low FODMAP diet to continue the diet in the long term.

What is the most common FODMAP intolerance? ›

The most common digestive disorder affected by an intolerance to FODMAPs is IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, apart from Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD).

What are unexpected high FODMAP foods? ›

Sneaky FODMAPs & Where They Hide
  • Honey (not strictly vegan, but for those that do eat it)
  • Agave nectar syrup.
  • High fructose corn syrup.
  • Onion powder (or any type of onion flavouring)
  • Garlic powder (or any type of garlic flavouring)
  • Celery powder.
  • Bean flour (all types)
Nov 29, 2017

What are easy FODMAP friendly snacks? ›

Low FODMAP snacks to buy in the supermarket
  • Gluten-free pretzels.
  • Low FODMAP nuts, such as peanuts, macadamia nuts or walnuts.
  • Plain sweet or salty popcorn.
  • A pot of lactose-free yoghurt (if it is a fruity yoghurt, make sure no high FODMAP ingredients have been added)
  • Rice cakes with dark chocolate topping (max.
Apr 24, 2019

Which high FODMAP foods are worst? ›

High FODMAP Foods to Avoid and Low FODMAP Alternatives
  • Onions and Garlic. ...
  • Some Fruits. ...
  • Certain Vegetables. ...
  • Beans and Legumes. ...
  • Sweeteners. ...
  • Refined Grains. ...
  • Dairy Products. ...
  • Certain Beverages. Beverages made from high-FODMAP ingredients are understandably high in FODMAPS, but other beverages are as well.


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